Christian was fabulous during our flights yesterday. The only problem was Christian's diaper blowout when we got to the ABQ airport. But the nice thing was that Jonathan just ran the soiled clothing out to the car so I didn't have to carry it across the country.
It is so incredibly green out here! Coming from Santa Fe, it as if we walked into the Garden of Eden. I recall a co-worker's sister once came to Albuquerque for a visit and he told me she proclaimed, "Those poor people don't have any trees out there!" And I thought, "Well, of course we have trees ... look around."
But, now I see what she's sayin'. In most of Albuquerque / Santa Fe, the trees you see were intentionally planted by somebody at some point in time. We are, after all, living in a desert. But out there, the trees just grow "wherever." I suppose if you're used to seeing trees like this, its not that fascinating. But since I live in a brand new neighbornood where everybody just has "baby trees," I am just amazed at the trees out here.
I had a bit of an "incident" this morning with Christian ... and it just broke my heart. I had placed Christian in the middle of the king sized bed and he was just happily hanging out. So I sat down at my computer to get some work done. A few minutes later, I heard a "thud" and looked to see Christian wasn't on the bed anymore. He had a delayed reaction to the fall, and it took a moment for him to start crying. I picked him up so quickly that I don't even recall what position he was in when he landed. Fortuantely, he was fine and his tears lasted for a brief time.
He's become quite good at rolling around and using his legs to push himself backwards when he's on his back. Obvsiosly, he can move himself a longer distance than I was aware of. I am so thankful Christian wasn't hurt.
He's one tough little kid ... and already very energetic. Christian is "all boy," he definitley isn't delicate. I'm sure we'll be in for a lot of adventures as he gets older. :)