Thursday, April 13, 2023

Hawaii Tropical Bioreserve & Garden

Oh my goodness ... nature is remarkable! The Hawaii Tropical Bioreserve & Garden is absolutely gorgeous!  I was so amazed by EVERYTHING!

I took so many photos of unique flowers that it seemed  more efficient to put them into a collage. And the patterns on the plant leaves were just so cool!

It was an overcast day again, and the temperature was perfect and the humidity was completely tolerable!  Oh how we want to LIVE in Hawaii!!


Rainbow Falls in Hilo

 Our next stop took us to the nearby Rainbow Falls in Hilo.  If you go in morning and it's a sunny day, a rainbow forms over the waterfalls from the mist.  Alas, it was an overcast day and there was no rainbow for us.

Nonetheless, it was a beautiful short trek to the waterfall, and to the huge banyan tree that stands behind it.  WOW!!  



Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Uncle Roberts Awa Bar and the Unexpected Black Sand Beach

 Tonight we drove out to "Uncle Roberts," a local music / food / fun place.  There was a local band,  Kalapala Awa Band, playing music with a Hawaiian vibe and a variety of food vendors.

When we parked, we noticed people walking back from a wide path and we were curious, so we took a walk out that way to discover the black sand Kaimu Beach!   It was so interesting to see baby palm trees growing straight out of the black rocks ... nature finds a way!  It wasn't a "beach" in the traditional sense of the word ... but rather a bluff at the end of a lava field that looks down into the ocean.

It was getting dark fast, so we headed over to Uncle Roberts for dinner and dancing!  So much fun!  Jonathan and Scarlett danced for a few minutes (link to the video at the bottom of this post), Christian and Jennifer danced for a few minutes, and then Jonathan and Jennifer danced a while, too. :)

Link to a video of Scarlett and Jonathan dancing: