Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

Twas our first Christmas as a family of four.  And we had lots of fun!
Christian and Papa made a gingerbread train together. 
And decided next year, a traditional gingerbread house would be better.

Miss Hello Kitty Santa joined our decorations this year!

Christian made some cookies for Santa to enjoy.

Afterwards, he sprinkled "Reindeer Food" (oatmeal and glitter) on the lawn,
so Santa's reindeer could have a snack when they stopped by.

Our glorious Christmas tree - a little rosemary tree purchased Christmas Eve.


A few pics outside later that afternoon.

Auntie Liz joined us, too!



Sunday, December 23, 2012

A New Swimming Achievement!

I am so thrilled to share that today Christian swam across the pool ALL BY HIMSELF!!!

They made the announcement and gave him his ribbon after his class ended ... I had no idea he had progressed that far along.

At this point, they have the kiddos "scoop the water" for a few strokes, and then they turn over onto their backs completely and take a breath, and turn back onto their tummies and scoop more water ... turn over and breathe, etc.

We're just so proud of Christian!  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Out of the Mouths of Babes ...

Christian has said a couple of things in the past two days that I'd love to share, as they melted my heart:

Christian: "Mommy, what is in my heart?"
Me:, "Um ... blood?"
Christian, "No, Mommy.  JESUS is in my heart."

Today, as we drove home from school, Christian said to me in a sad, quiet voice, "I miss God."  I wasn't quite sure that was exactly what he said, so I asked him to repeat himself, "Mommy, I miss God."

I then told him how he can always pray and God will hear him, because God is always with him.  And so right there in the backseat, he prayed out loud to God.

And my heart has been melted. :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Our Family Christmas Photos

Once again, my sister graced us with her photographic talent for our annual family photo session.   Sure is tricky to get four people to look right at the camera and smile.   Near impossible, in fact.