Monday, July 20, 2009

It's Haboob Season!

Yep, you heard me right - it's HABOOB SEASON?

"What's a 'haboob'"?

Thanks for asking!

"Haboob" is the Middle Eastern Term for a sandstorm. We've had three haboobs in the past three days. Happily, we were home during each of them and not out driving somewhere.

"Why not call it a 'sandstorm'?" Well, I could ... but I think saying "habbob" is way more fun. Don't you agree? :)

Check out Friday's haboob. I only wish I'd noticed it just a few moments earlier, so I could get a series of pictures of the haboob coming over the mountain:

1 comment:

Jonathan and Valerie said...

Wow--this montage really captures the progression of a haboob! Thanks for sharing this. Uncle Mr. Ashe and I are fascinated by storms!