Sunday, May 4, 2008

Christian Turns Six Months Old and Eats Like a Big Kid

Christian turned six months old on May 2, so it was time to start him on "solids."

Of course, I did all sorts of reading in my books in the weeks leading up to this milestone. So I was prepared for him to resist the rice cereal. However, he surprised me and did remarkably well! Tonight's dinner marked his third rice cereal meal, and he ate most of it!

I think the huge red mark on his cheek is from the stroller harness rubbing against his face (we had just taken a walk prior to dinner). Either that, or he's having a reaction to the rice from the first two meals over the weekend. They say that rice cereal is the least offensive "solid" out there, so I really hope its not the rice.

As any parent can tell you, it sure is a messy experience. And this is just the beginning ... :)

Lastly, we got our new camera ... so we hope the picutres, and especially the video, will turn out much better from now on.

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