Friday, August 31, 2007

Time Keeps on Slipping ... into the Future

... or at least that is what The Steve Miller Band sings in their song ...

So here's how things are moving along:
  • We took our first of six pre-natal classes last night. I gotta say, it was pretty lame - there is very little structure to the class and I'm not sure how much we'll actually learn (as opposed to the books I read and the shows I watch on Discovery Health). As is typical for those classes, we watched a video on labor and delivery. It was on a very small screen, so the gore was minimized. For my part, I just couldn't get past the obvious fact that it was filmed in the 1980s ... ah, the hair!
  • I've been getting "Braxton Hicks Contractions" for a while now. They say these "contractions" are just practice contractions. Apparently, they can get quite uncomfortable, but for now, its just a brief tightening sensation ... and then its done. My Dr. says as long as its no more than four an hour, its okay. So far, so good.
  • The baby moves around A LOT! I think he's going to come out wanting to run, just like his daddy does! I really wish I could somehow get a camera in there and see what the little guy is doing!
  • I'm starting to experience some of the classic late pregnancy issues: back pain and a difficulty in being able to sleep comfortably. The back pain is still relavitvely minor, and for that I am thankful.
  • Looks like this weekend, we'll be painting the baby's room. The bottom half of the wall will be light blue and topped with a really cute alphabet wallpaper border that Jonathan selected.
Have a great Labor Day Weekend!


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Baby at 30 Weeks

Week 30: Making Headway

Your baby's height and weight haven't changed much in the past week, but the big news is your baby's brain gain. Until now, the surface of your baby's brain was smooth. Now, your fetus's brain is taking on those characteristic grooves and indentations. The reason for this change in appearance? Those wrinkles allow for an increased amount of brain tissue — a necessary change as your baby prepares for life outside your womb, and the street smarts he or she will need.

Another big change this week: Your baby's bone marrow has taken over production of red blood cells (before, tissue groups and then the spleen took care of producing the blood cells). This is an important step for your baby, because it means he or she is better able to thrive on his or her own once born (with a little TLC from you, of course).

So it's in with the new (brain cells, red blood cells) and out with the old (lanugo). Much of the lanugo — the soft, downy hair covering your baby's body — is beginning to disappear now because both fat and the brain are regulating your baby's body temperature (so no need for that furry coat anymore). But you may see a few leftover strands of fur on your newborn's back and shoulders.

Monday, August 27, 2007

I Love Good Healthcare!

After yet another Dr. visit today (all is well with the baby), and another run to the pharmacy (my fourth in the past week), I started pondering how lucky I am ... and how lucky most of us in this country are.

My employer provides very good health insurance, as does Jonathan's company (and therefore, I'm double-insured). I know healthcare in this country is always a huge political issue (and just an issue, period, for those who don't have health insurance). And so I just have to bypass all the politics and proclaim, "I am so thankful for my health insurance!"

I thought about those people in this country who have no, or inadequate health inurance. Or let me go a step further ... people who live in poor countries who don't have any health insurance and limted (or no) access to medical care.

My Dr. is just a phone call away. The pharmacy is just down the steet. My Dr. is awesome and catches "issues" in their early stages and fixes them. During the pregnancy, I pay one co-pay at the beginning and then I have no expenses to pay at each Dr. vsit. I am so incredibly fortunate!

Starting at this point, I will have Dr. visits every two weeks, and I'm glad. As I mentioned, there are "issues" (with me, not the baby) that need to be monitored. So its nice to know that just around the corner will be another appointment.

We're gettng close! Just ten more weeks until this baby is fully-cooked. :) And only seven more weeks until this baby is considered "full term."

Man, reality is really starting to sink in. Big time.
