Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - A New Feature

From now on, every Wednesday will be "Wordless Wednedsay" on Los Luceros de Arizona. I got this idea from my friend Brooke (her blog is "The Sforza Family" listed under our favorite blogs) ... and Brooke got the idea from another blog. Pass it on! :)

Wordless Wednesdays will just be a picture (or pictures) or a video. Unless something amazing happens and I've just got tell you about it.

So I guess today's post isn't really "wordless," is it? :) Future Wordless Wednesdays will be wordless. Now, on to today's photo:

Okay, I went for a few hours today without commenting on this photo in honor of "Wordless Wednesday." But I just gotta say something: Christian LOVES this Elmo blanket that his cousin Rebecca gave him for Christmas (hey, Becca ... see that he's wearing the jammies you gave him for his birthday?!). He drags it everywhere and always knows where it is. Its his new "favorite thing" (and seems to have maybe replaced his obsession with "X" - see the purple thing in his right hand? That is "X" ... story about "X" to follow soon).

Christian likes to grab our fingers so that we point to every Elmo on his blanket and say to him, "Elmo, Elmo, Elmo, Elmo." I like to sneak into Christian's room when he's napping and hang this blanket on the side so that its right there when he wakes up. And when he wakes up, I hear him cooing and sqealing at his his beloved blanket.

If for some reason we take the blanket from him - such as its in the way at mealtime - Christian protests. I think he loves his blanket so much he wants to Marry it. :)

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