Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter weekend was pretty exciting around here this year. We had numerous events going on:

Saturday Egg Hunt in Verrado

Jonathan had to work Saturday, so I took the kiddos to an egg hunt and fun activites sponsored by our community's health club early Saturday morning. Christian made me laugh when the hunt began, because with the first egg he found, he sat down to check out the goods inside while the kids around him snatched up all the eggs (man, kids are CRAZY at egg hunts!). I even grabbed a nearby egg and put it really close to Christian so he could get it, and some bigger kiddo came in and swiped it. His mom was right there and laughed as she said to her son, "That was his ..." and I just looked at her son, then looked at her and said, "Wow ..." (as it, "Wow, lady ... is that really all you're going to do?").

Most surprising of all was that Christian was agreeable - and excited - to sit with the Easter Bunny.   He walked right up to him (her?) without hesitation.   Doing so was very unlike Christian, and I was absolutely thrilled ... and so was he! :)   

Saturday Afternoon Picnic and Egg Hunt

We finally got out for an afternoon with a local playgroup we belong to.  Christian was so excited to do a second egg hunt that day!

Saturday Night Egg Dying

Our egg dying adventure started out pure:  one color per egg, and using the little wire dipper to place the egg in the cup.

How quickly things changed (as evidenced by Christian's green hands)! 

Sunday:  The Big Day

We tried a new church today (our newest attempt at finding a church that works for our family) and when we got home, we found the Easter Bunny (and Easter Granny) left some goods on the porch and some eggs to be found. Christian was SOOOOO excited!

(A big thank you to the Easter Granny (and Grandpa) for all the goodies, which arrived just in time!)

Papa is teaching Scarlett how to text! :)

And some more videos!

Auntie Liz joined us for Easter dinner!

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