Thursday, July 4, 2019

Fourth of July - 2019

Although these pictures are seemingly nothing remarkable ... They really are!

In the 11+ years we've had children, our family's experience with the Fourth of July has been watching the show from below (in the scorching heat) - usually from quite a distance. Some years, we didn't watch fireworks at all.

Yesterday a sweet friend invited us to the annual neighborhood 4th of July gathering around the corner. Though we've lived here for a year, we still consider ourselves to be "newbies" and don't know many people. Last night we met many new people from our small neighborhood, and connected with a few familiar faces, too. 

It was so cool watching Christian (11) and Scarlett (7) play with sparklers for the first time ... And watching the fun small firework displays on the street as we did when we were kids long ago. 

The icing on the cake was there was more than one party on this long street, and at least two groups had incredible fireworks the shot high into the sky. I am talking about professional fireworks that did all sorts of fun, fancy stuff ... Wow! 

Because of extreme fire danger, our tiny town happens to be the only one that still allows fireworks around here. so I don't think those particular fireworks were actually legal... But they were so amazing to watch and quite a surprise! (The arrival of the firetruck as we were walking home confirmed that those glorious fireworks were, in fact, illegal.)

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