Monday, October 1, 2007

The Latest Dr. Appointment and Ultrasound Photos

We got some interesting news about Baby Lucero on Friday: He's already 6 pounds 10 ounces (according to the ultrasound computer ... which is just an estimate). If the conception date was unknown, the computer would estimate a due date of October 19.

But we know the conception date and the large size of the baby doesn't change it from November 9th. The Dr. is a bit concerned about the large size of the baby (heck, I was only six something when I was born a week early!), so I had to take a blood test this weekend to detect whether or not I have gestational diabetes. Its a common condition in pregnancy ... I just hope I don't have it.

If he keeps growing at this rate, and I go to term, its possible he'll be just about a 10 pound baby. YIKES!!!

So here are the latest ultrasound photos (for more, scroll down the page a bit). They aren't very good and he looks like an alien with a big ol' mouth. But, he's our little alien. :)

We're in week 35 now. Wow, time sure does go quickly when one is pregnant!


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